Deerfield Healing Arts

Skilled Treatments & Training with Lisa J. Berger, Acupuncture & Zero Balancing

What is Zero Balancing?

Zero Balancing (ZB) is a health-enhancing therapy for people who want to:

  • Find a measure of balance during times of high stress
  • Clear the lingering charge of past events
  • Improve fluidity and ease of movement
  • Access their strength, talent and/or wisdom.

ZB is a safe and gentle therapy appropriate for most adults and children. Some medical conditions may contraindicate Zero Balancing or call for a modification of its application. Considerations include: acute illness or debilitating disease, recent physical trauma or surgery, and early pregnancy.

When beginning to receive ZB sessions, Lisa generally recommends weekly visits for three weeks to build momentum and to assess the how well Zero Balancing is addressing one’s concerns.  If the sessions have been helpful, Lisa will generally recommend less frequent visits.

Following this intensive phase, many people chose to receive a ZB every 4 to 8 weeks to address new issues, support personal growth, deepen their healing process, and/or enhance gains attained through various meditation practices and/or other forms of therapy.

The Origins of ZB

Zero Balancing was developed by Dr. Fritz Frederick Smith, an American Osteopath, Medical Doctor, and Acupuncturist, and certified student of Rolfing®, yoga and meditation.  Dr. Smith credits his father, a noted chiropractor, for providing a positive inner reference for his work by handling him with quality touch from the very beginning of his life.

Dr. Smith developed Zero Balancing during the early 1970s when he had a particular focus on bridging the worlds of energy (acupuncture, yoga, meditation) and structure (osteopathy and medicine)  through touch. The name Zero Balancing came from a client’s description of her experience of a session.  She felt like she was “brought back to balance, to zero balance.”

Dr. Smith has dedicated the past 50 years of his life to teaching Zero Balancing throughout the world and to the continued development of this art. He is the author of Inner Bridges: A Guide to Energy Movement and Body Structure (1975) and The Alchemy of Touch: Moving Towards Mastery Through the Lens of Zero Balancing (2005), as well as numerous articles and study guides about Zero Balancing.

ZB leaves you feeling clear, grounded, tall and happy all at the same time. After a ZB I am more resilient and able to face life stresses more easily. 
~ Lisa  B.

For more information and resources about Zero Balancing visit:

Zero Balancing Health Association

Zero Balancing Touch Foundation

The Journal of Transformative Touch